Sylvie Bacquet
Dr Sylvie Bacquet is a legal academic working in the field of law and religion. Her research
expertise focuses on manifestation of belief in the public sphere, religious freedom,
discrimination and religious hate speech including antisemitism.
Sylvie is currently Assistant Head of the Law School at the University of Westminster in
Some of her recent publications include:
Religious Freedom, Freedom of Expression and Religious Hate Speech. in: Md Jahid
Hossain Bhuiyan and Ann Black (ed.) Freedom of Expression and Religious Diversity,
Routledge: 2024.
‘Reasonable Adjustments vs. Indirect Discrimination: are all Protected Characteristics Equal
Under the UK Equality Act 2010? A Review of Religious and Disability Discrimination in
Employment Cases’ (2022) Law & Justice – the Christian Law Review 188, pp. 6-20.
Manifestation of Belief and the “Liberal” Law of Religion: Why It Is Time to Rethink the
Status-Quo? Religion & Human Rights (2022) 17 (1), pp. 1-22.
Religious Symbols and the Intervention of the Law: Symbolic Functionality in Pluralist States.
London Routledge (2020)